We are counting down the days to the 35th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine on October 15–19, 2022 in Barcelona, Spain!

This will be the first non-virtual meeting after the pandemic break and we look forward to seeing our colleagues, friends and clients from all over the world again. In the meantime, please make a note in your callendars for the virtual Multidisciplinary Days June 28-30, 2022 – the new EANM event format.
They will cover 2.5 days of invitation interviews and will be CME accredited. This virtual conference will feature 15 Scientific Symposia and 25 Joint Symposiums with external partner societies, providing updated information on the latest developments in nuclear medicine and their multidisciplinary context in over 78 hours of scientific content.
Nevertheless, most of the sessions will be held on site in October. We will be there, so we invite you to visit our POLATOM stand. If you would like to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.