POLATOM with a patent

Congratulations to our POLATOM’s R&D team! We have been granted US 11,426,395 B2 patent for PSMA-T4 kit for 99mTc labelling.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancy in men in Europe. The introduction of high sensitive molecular imaging after administration of radiolabeled prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) inhibitors allowed the early functional assessment of the disease development and the detection of disease recurrence, which was more accurate than that of CT or MRI.
Over the last decade the radiopharmaceutical and radiochemical research at POLATOM was focused on the development of small ligand molecules with the PSMA inhibitor binding core. In response to the growing demand for prostate cancer imaging the team of POLATOM researchers: Arkadiusz Sikora, Michał Maurin, Antoni Jaroń, Justyna Pijarowska-Kruszyna, Monika Wyczółkowska, Barbara Janota, Marcin Radzik, Piotr Garnuszek and Urszula Karczmarczyk developed the kit for preparation of radiopharmaceutical [99mTc]Tc-PSMA-T4, this complex is characterized by high specificity, good permeability in solid tumours and fast clearance from normal tissues. The kit can be easily labelled with technetium-99m at the hospital. The radiopharmaceutical is well tolerated in patients and does not induce any host-immune responses.
There are several published studies showing that the new [99mTc]Tc-PSMA-T4 tracer provides favourable biodistribution and kinetic behavior proving its high sensitivity and specificity. The kit for preparation of radiopharmaceutical [99mTc]Tc-PSMA-T4 offers great diagnostic potential as well as cost-effectiveness.