Auf Wiedersehen Hamburg! Bienvenido Barcelona!

Thank you very much for being part of the 37th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) in Hamburg!

Allow us this opportunity to express our great appreciation for visiting our stand. It was a great pleasure to meet you all. We are delighted we had such a fruitful discussions and we are looking forward to implement your comments and suggestions.

With your passion and commitment we can continue to advance our position to provide innovative solutions in the field of nuclear medicine that serve to protect health of domestic and foreign customers.

Let’s continue to make a difference together and let’s meet again next year in Barcelona!

#POLATOM #EANM #EANM2024 #EANM24 #EANM2025 #EANM25 #theranostics #nuclearmedicine #radiopharmaceuticals #medicalimaging #molecularimaging