POLATOM in the Balkans – BCNM congress

We invite you to take part in The 9th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine (BCNM) with Serbian Congress of Nuclear Medicine, May 12-14, 2022, Hotel Vrdnička kula, Vrdnik.

The Congress is organized by the Active of Hybrid Imaging, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Section for Nuclear Medicine of the Serbian Medical Society, together with the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography of the University Clinical Center of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade and the Serbian Society of Nuclear Medicine. It is under auspices of Ministry of Health Republic of Serbia and with the support of Ministry for Education, Science and Technology Republic of Serbia.

It will be an opportunity to gather in one place more than 250 physicians: nuclear medicine specialists, radiologists, subspecialists in endocrinology, cardiology and oncology from Balkan region and European countries and to present your achievements at the exhibition and share experiences.

Additional information about BCNM 2022 can be found on the websites: www.udruzenjenms.com or www.nucmedai.com. You can also contact us via e-mail (vera.artiko@gmail.com, dsobic2@gmail.com afganaida@gmail.com) or Aria agency (t.milatovic@aria.co.rs).