PRISMAP - The Euro­pean medi­cal iso­tope pro­gramme: Pro­duc­tion of high purity iso­to­pes by mass sepa­ra­tion

Financial resources received as part of the project „Premia na Horyzoncie 2” are intended for remuneration supplements for those involved in the implementation of the project “PRISMAP – The European medical isotope programme: Production of high purity isotopes by mass separation” within the programme „HORYZONT 2020”.

PRISMAP is the Euro­pean medi­cal radio­nuc­lide pro­gramme on the pro­duc­tion of high purity radio­nuc­li­des (radio­ac­tive iso­topes) by mass sepa­ra­tion. It creates the Euro­pean con­sor­tium of the key intense neu­tron sour­ces, iso­tope mass sepa­ra­tion faci­li­ties and high-power acce­le­ra­tors and cyc­lo­trons, with leading biomedi­cal and heal­th­care rese­arch insti­tu­tes in the active trans­la­tion of the emer­ging radio­nuc­li­des into medi­cal dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment.

PRISMAP goal is to cre­ate a sin­gle-entry point for a frag­men­ted user com­mu­nity distri­bu­ted amongst uni­ver­si­ties, rese­arch cen­ters, indu­stry and hospi­tals, in a simi­lar way as how the Natio­nal Iso­tope Deve­lop­ment Cen­ter NIDC, sup­ported by the Depart­ment of Energy (DOE), has pro­vi­ded radio­nuc­lide sour­ces for users in the USA. PRISMAP brings toge­ther a con­sor­tium of 23 bene­fi­cia­ries from 13 coun­tries, one Euro­pean Rese­arch Labo­ra­tory and an Inter­na­tio­nal Orga­ni­sa­tion. It rece­ives the sup­port of leading asso­cia­tions and insti­tu­tions in the field such as the Euro­pean Asso­cia­tion of Nuc­lear Medi­cine (EANM) and the Inter­na­tio­nal Ato­mic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Funding – 296 886.00 PLN
Total value – 296 886.00 PLN