Target subsidy for the implementation of investment related to scientific activities
Titled “Purchase of ICP-MS spectrometer for analysis of radiopharmaceuticals”

Target grant for the implementation of investment related to scientific activities titled “Purchase of ICP-MS spectrometer for analysis of radiopharmaceuticals”.
GRANT 2 644 466.79 PLN, TOTAL VALUE 2 644 466.79 PLN
Date of signing the funding agreement – 07.2024
OR POLATOM project manager: mgr Anna Filiks
Duration of the project
Purchase, installation, and start-up of specialized scientific research equipment in the form of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), which will allow for the analysis of both radioactive and non-radioactive preparations by determining the content of the main component and/or trace amounts of chemical impurities that we are unable to identify using our current equipment.